One of our Make & Take Projects from Regionals was this 6" x 6" scrap page featuring "Under the Big Top" stamp set. I have had my eye on this set since the new catalogue come out as it is perfect for colouring in. Oh, how I LOVE to colour! Luckily, I never got round to purchasing it, as this was given to us at Regionals - how great is that?????
The colours for this page are so bright & cherry! I knew immediatley the photo I wanted to use, as the little clown in this set reminds me of "Ronald MacDonald". It was when Julie & I went to Bali for a much deserved break from Timor - the first stop on our venture being MacDonalds. Julie had been craving it for 6 months, so there was no stopping her!!!!!
Until next time, Enjoy!!!!

Don't you think this is the perfect photo?????
It was a fairly easy & fun page to put together & didn't take long to complete at all. I only wish the pages I am working on at the moment would be so co-operative!!!!!!
Great page for a workshop!!!!
Until next time, Enjoy!!!!

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